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Class 3 - Miss Prendergast
Welcome to Class 3 at Longtown Primary School!
Class 3 is a mixed Year 3 and 4 Class taught by Miss Megan Prendergast.
Our topics for this year are:
Science |
History / Geography |
Autumn 1 |
Keeping Fit and Healthy |
Somewhere to Settle (Geography) |
Autumn 2 |
Ourselves and other animals - skeleton |
Rivers (Geography) |
Spring 1 |
Electricity |
Crime and Punishment (History) |
Spring 2 |
Light |
Building Map Skills (Geography) |
Summer 1 |
Sound - vibrations and volume |
Local History (History) |
Summer 2 |
Scientists and Inventors |
Europe and Study of Country/Region (History) |
Please be aware that due to the nature of involving children in their learning, these themes could change.
Statutory multiplication tables check (MTC)
In Y4 children will be required to participate in a statutory multiplication tables check (MTC).
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
We will have a 3-week check window in June to administer the MTC.
Please find the link to Maths Frame Multiplication Check - this activity exactly mirrors the 'Multiplication Tables Check' that will be given to the children in June.
Class Information:
Class 3 will go swimming every Thursday morning during the Autumn 1 term from Thursday 12th September.
PE and Outdoor Learning:
For the Autumn 1 term Class 3 will have PE on Wednesday afternoons only. This is because the children will go swimming every Thursday morning and this counts as one of their PE lessons for the term. Outdoor Learning is every other Monday afternoon, and will alternate with RE. On Outdoor Learning days children will get changed in school - please can children bring in old, warm clothes suitable to be outside in all weathers.
We do appreciate that the children have a very busy day at school and many of them do other activities after school. We would therefore just like your support with helping your child to:-
- learn their weekly spellings (test on Friday);
- practise their tables (test on Friday)
- encourage them to read and complete reading diary
- and to read to them (this enables them to extend their vocabulary beyond their reading capabilities, listen to some amazing stories and a great excuse to sit somewhere cosy for 10 minutes together!).
5-10 minutes a day is better than all in one go and more beneficial.
We will be making lots of times table games within class, children could create and play similar games with you, or by themselves at home. There are also lots of times table games online too. The children will all have a Times Table Rockstars password and we also like playing Hit The Button (Topmarks website) in school. Please email admin if you would like paper copies of Times Table Rockstars for your child to bring home to practise.
There might be the occasional request for a piece of research or a task for a topic to be completed at home, but I will do my very best to give parents and carers as much notice as possible.
I am in school every day and available for a quick chat most afternoons. If it is something that might take a little longer, please email admin or go to the office to make an appointment.
Thank you for all your support and I am very much looking forward to spending this year with Class 3.
Miss Prendergast.